CDCC Bureau Meeting - Virtual Book Display
Virtual book display in observance of :
First meeting of the 29th Caribbean Development and Cooperation Committee (CDCC) Bureau
Port of Spain, 3-4 April 2023
Browse research resources on statistics, economic, social, and sustainable development topics, including the sustainable development goals (SDGs) within the context of Latin America and the Caribbean from the virtual book display featuring full text resources from the ECLAC Digital Repository:
Studies and Perspectives Series – The Caribbean
- No. 81 - Strengthening ICT and knowledge management capacity in support of the sustainable development
- No. 84 - The enhancement of resilience to disasters and climate change in the Caribbean through the modernization of the energy sector
- No. 86 - A review of Caribbean national statistical legislation in relation to the United Nations Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics
- No. 87 - Gender mainstreaming in national sustainable development planning in the Caribbean
- No. 89 - Promoting debt sustainability to facilitate financing sustainable development in selected Caribbean countries: A scenario analysis of the ECLAC debt for climate adaptation swap initiative
FOCUS Magazines
Selected Flagships