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ECLAC Caribbean - Studies and Perspectives Series

ECLAC Caribbean Studies and Perspectives Series

Highlighted ECLAC Caribbean Publications of the 28th CDCC Conference:

Studies and Perspectives Series


  1. The use of technology and innovative approaches in disaster and risk management: a characterization of Caribbean countries’ experiences [LC/CAR/TS.2020/3]
  2. Preliminary overview of the economies of the Caribbean 2019–2020   [LC/CAR/TS.2020/2]
  3. Caribbean synthesis report on the implementation of the Lisbon Declaration on youth policies and programmes   [LC/CAR/TS.2020/1]
  4. Proposal for a revitalized Caribbean Development and Cooperation Committee – Regional Coordinating Mechanism for Sustainable Development (CDCC-RCM   [LC/CAR/TS.2019/13] 
  5. Promoting debt sustainability to facilitate financing sustainable development in selected Caribbean countries: a scenario analysis of ECLAC debt for climate adaptation swap initiative   [LC/CAR/TS.2019/12] 
  6. A preliminary review of policy responses to enhance SME access to trade financing in the Caribbean   [LC/CAR/TS.2019/11]
  7. Gender mainstreaming in national sustainable development planning in the Caribbean   [LC/CAR/TS.2019/10]
  8. A review of Caribbean national statistical legislation against the United Nations Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics   [LC/CAR/TS.2019/9]
  9. Industrial upgrading and diversification to address the competitiveness challenges in the Caribbean: the case of tourism   [LC/CAR/TS.2019/8]
  10. The enhancement of resilience to disasters and climate change in the Caribbean through the modernization of the energy sector   [LC/CAR/TS.2019/7]
  11. Synthesis of the Caribbean subregion midterm review report of the Small Island Developing States (SIDS) Accelerated Modalities of Action (SAMOA) Pathway   [LC/CAR/TS.2019/6]
  12. Economic Survey of the Caribbean 2019   [LC/CAR/TS.2019/5]
  13. Strengthening ICT and knowledge management capacity in support of the sustainable development of multi-island Caribbean SIDS   [LC/CAR/TS.2019/4]
  14. Using Universal Service Funds to increase access to technology for persons with disabilities in the Caribbean   [LC/CAR/TS.2019/2]
  15. An economic analysis of flooding in the Caribbean – the case of Jamaica and Trinidad and Tobago   [LC/CAR/TS.2019/1]

The full collection of ECLAC Studies and Perspectives is available at this link.