Time for equality: closing gaps, opening trails
Published date | 2016-05-25 |
Author | UN ECLAC |
UN symbol |
From the document:
The analysis presented in this document wholly adheres to the idea that social equality and the kind of economic dynamism that transform production patterns are not at odds with each other and that the challenge is to find synergies between the two. The proposal made here is headed in this direction and leads to the next point: when we speak of equality we do so in the awareness that we must grow to equalize and equalize to grow. At no point, therefore, do we suggest that we should sacrifice the value of dynamic economic and productive growth on the altar of equality. In strategic terms and in the long term, equality, economic growth and environmental sustainability must go hand in hand, mutually supporting and reinforcing one another in a virtuous dialectic.
We therefore propose growth with less structural heterogeneity and more productive development, and the pursuit of equality through the enhancement of human capacities and the mobilization of State energies. We want to reverse the huge disparities in the region by building more cohesive societies around productive dynamics, constructing positive social and territorial synergies, and strengthening the protection of individuals through improvements in labor markets, stronger financial capacities and better public administration. Just as the idea of equality entails addressing social vulnerabilities, we believe that a macroeconomic framework that protects people against external volatility will play a key role. This goal will not be reached automatically and requires effective policies on several fronts as well as more and better markets. If you have to level the playing field, it must be done by raising average and aggregate productivity and income.
Lastly, in considering the value of equality and how it combines with growth, we cannot ignore climate change, a phenomenon which will have an enormous impact on the future of humankind. In this context, equality means solidarity with future generations, whose situation will be marked by greater uncertainty and by a greater scarcity of natural resources. It also means calling for international agreements to mitigate the impact of climate change that adhere to the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities so as to ensure that it is not the poor or poor countries who end up bearing the brunt of the costs of climate change. It means rethinking the development paradigm on the basis of more compassionate and benevolent relationships among all peoples and of a more environmentally friendly relationship with nature.
Click here to read the summary document.