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LAC Investment in China: A New Chapter in Latin America and the Caribbean-China Relations

Published date 2014-10-09
Author Antoni Estevadeordal - Mauricio Mesquita Moreira - Theodore Kahn
UN symbol


In a 2012 report, Pathways to China: The Story of Latin American Firms in the Chinese Market, the IDB took a first step towards better understanding the dimensions and drivers of investment from Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) in China. That work analyzed a group of firms with operations in China and found that establishing a direct presence in the Chinese market can yield major dividends for firms.

This current study updates and expands on those findings by considering a larger sample of LAC firms and analyzing in more detail how their strategies follow distinct patterns in different sectors. In doing so, we shed new light on how firms in the region have come to establish themselves in China and draw policy recommendations for supporting private sector initiatives to penetrate the Chinese market.

This title is also available in Spanish:

Inversiones de ALC en China: Un capítulo nuevo de las relaciones entre América Latina y el Caribe y China