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Barbados. Budgetary Proposals and Financial Statement 2023.

Delivered by the Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Economic Affairs and Investment, the Honourable Mia Amor Mottley S.C., M.P.

Published date 2023-03-14
Author Barbados. Ministry of Finance, Economic Affairs and Investment.
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This Budget is about national transformation, about building a global society and a world-class people by 2030. This Budget ought to be called "Upward, Onward, Bajan Excellence 2030". For those who are from Combermere, I didn't say “up and on”, I chose the National Anthem instead, "Upward, Onward, Bajan Excellence 2030". And that is the mission. That is the mission.
And the question will be - what will it take to achieve these goals and how will we get 
the job done?